Jesse Finney named Riverfront Times Best MMA Fighter
The Riverfront Times has named Finney’s MMA Head Coach Jesse Finney the 2013 Best MMA Fighter! Here’s a link to the full article and here’s the article text:
Jesse Finney is a badass dude. He’s got a lifetime of learning to kick ass behind him and now mostly trains other people how to kick ass. A member of the St. Louis Boxing Hall of Fame, he runs his own gym and heads up Finney’s HIT Squad, an MMA team he purchased upon retiring back in 2011. Wait, he’s retired? Why is a retired MMA fighter our winner, you ask? On December 30, 2012, a man in the process of shoplifting seven bottles of vodka from the Schnucks in Crestwood got into an altercation with a female employee. The man attempted to make his getaway but was stopped by — yep, you guessed it — Jesse Finney. Finney held the man until police arrived, and the day was saved. Well, except for one bottle of vodka, which was somewhat tragically smashed during the struggle. Besides that, the outcome was a good one, all thanks to Finney, a real-life crime fighter.
Awesome! Congratulations, Jesse!
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